These are the three doshas:
VATA—the principle of movement
is responsible for the nervous system, breathing and all kinds of movement in the body. The elements of ether (space) and air are associated with the Vata dosha. Balanced Vata makes you feel full of energy, happy, enthusiastic and creative; the mind is calm, clear and alert.
PITTA—the principle of metabolism
governs - among other things - digestion and body temperature. In the area of the mind, it stands for a sharp intellect and emotions. Pitta primarily consists of the fire element. When in balance, Pitta bestows contentment, energy, fluency in speech, good digestive power, correct body temperature and a clear mind.
KAPHA—the principle of structure
provides the body with firmness and stability and maintains the body's fluid balance. The elements of earth and water are associated with Kapha. A balanced Kapha gives strength, stamina, a good immune system, patience and mental stability.
Important product information
Some aspects of Ayurveda knowledge are based on principles and perspectives that differ from Western science as we know it, so please read the important information we have compiled to help you.
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