Webinars and podcasts
New: Maharishi Ayurveda Mini-Courses
6th of November 2024
Speakers: Top Vaidyas from India
Our new Ayurveda Mini-Courses provide you with concise and comprehensive knowledge that you can easily integrate into your daily life. Each course covers a specific topic – clearly explained and immediately applicable.
We like to share our knowledge with you and show you how Ayurveda can enrich your life.
You can look forward to many exclusive Ayurveda tips for health, wellness and pleasant dosha balancing, all of which are easy to put into practice!
We are also happy to inform you regularly about upcoming webinars via newsletter, where you can clarify your questions directly in the live chat.
#1 Basics of Maharishi Ayurveda
#2 Body-Types according to Ayurveda
#3 Vata-, Pitta-, Kapha - The right diet for every dosha type
#4 Six tastes described in Ayurveda
#5 The importance of digestion in Ayurveda
#6 Daily routine in Ayurveda
#7 Abhyanga – the secret of ayurvedic oil massage
#8 Ayurveda and hot water: The perfect team for health and wellness
#9 Intermittent Fasting: Understanding the health trend from an Ayurveda perspective
#10 Balanced Weight Control
#11 Inner Balance – Basis for Health & Well-being
#12 Ayurveda Tips for a strong Immune System
#13 Moving with Joy – Ayurveda for Bones & Joints
#14 Beautiful, Radiant and Healthy Skin with Ayurveda
#15 Minerals – In Good Hands with Ayurveda
#16 YouTube-Livestream with Dr. Sharma
#17 Women’s Health – the Best Ayurveda-Tips for all Stages of Life
#18 Naturally Beautiful Hair – the Best Hair Care Tips for Every Dosha Type
#19 Ayurveda expert Dr. Rajat Sharma answers your personal questions!
#20 Ayurveda for Restful Sleep
#21 Stress Management with Ayurveda
#22 YouTube Live-Chat with Dr. Saurabh Sharma
#23 Probiotics in Ayurveda
#24 Mouth hygiene and dental health in Ayurveda
#25 Ayurveda Wellness and Purification Treatments at Home
#26 YouTube Live-Chat with Dr. Sharma
#27 A Holistic Approach to Mental Health – Based on Principles of Maharishi Ayurveda
#28 YouTube Live-Chat with Dr. Saurabh Sharma
#29 Basics of Ayurvedic Self-Pulse Diagnosis
#30 Women's health: Ayurveda during and after menopause
#31 Discover the Power of Ayurveda Minerals – Be the best version of yourself!
#32 Why am I always tired?
#33 YouTube Live-Chat with Dr. Saurabh Sharma
#34 Garshan - the original ayurvedic dry massage
#35 Brain-Health
#36 Ask the Vaidya
#37 Ayurvedic travel-pharmacy
#38 Ask the Vaidya - YouTube live chat with Dr. Sharma
#39 Preparing for the winter season
#40 How to overcome nocturnal restlessness
We regularly organize webinars for professionals in English with top Ayurveda experts. You can expect:
- a great deal of practical Ayurveda knowledge at first hand
- absolutely free of charge - from the comfort of your home
- with live chat for your questions
Topics of the next webinars:
- Women’s Health
- Men’s Health
- Healthy Joints and Bones
- Hyperacidity and Inflammations
- Immunity
For more information and registration, just send an e-mail to webinar@ayurveda.nl
You can also use the recordings of our previous webinars for professionals:
- Enhancing Brain Power through Ayurveda
- Be Allergy Free the Ayurveda Way
- Nasya - and its Importance
- Rasayanas – Their meaning and use in Ayurveda (Part 1 +2)
- Detoxification: Nature’s seasonal rhythm
- Healthy digestion and balanced metabolism – 13 Agnis and their functions
- A healthy and stress free mind
Interested? Just send an e-mail to webinar@ayurveda.nl