Eye Health in Ayurveda
The whole range of colours and shapes, the interplay of light and dark – our eyes perceive all of that. The fact that 70 to 80 percent of all our perception is transmitted through the eyes, shows how important they are. It’s no wonder that our sense of sight is of great importance both in conventional medicine and in Ayurveda.
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Emotional Balance – Basis for Health & Wellbeing
Imagine starting each day feeling happy and in a good mood, being in touch with ourselves and aware of our own inner voice? Imagine remaining calm and positive in every situation and being in harmony with our own feelings - in short: Imagine feeling great all around and healthy in body and mind?
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Avoid exhaustion, live energetically
Stress – scarcely any other word describes the lifestyle of today's hectic world more accurately. That is a state of low tension and high energy which, in Ayurveda, forms the basis for optimism, stamina, success in your actions, as well as feelings of love and happiness.
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Natural beauty
The wisdom of Ayurveda opens the door to the actual source of life, the source of all order and harmony, and thus, to natural beauty. Not only, is great emphasis placed on the naturalness of everything used for care, but also, to the realization that true beauty comes from within, and begins with consciousness.
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Naturally beautiful hair with Ayurveda
Women in particular want to have strong, thick, healthy and shiny hair, but the topic of hair health is just as relevant for men. Beautiful, shiny hair is not only attractive; it also reflects good health, helps to create a positive mood and encourages us to behave more confidently.
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Sport and Fitness
At your desk, in your car, on the couch, at the dinner table: do you spend most of the day sitting? Then you belong to the majority—the 55 to 75 per cent of people in modern industrialized countries. Why has Ayurveda recommended regular exercise for thousands of years, and how can we easily be fit and energetic? This blog post tells you what the ‘science of long life’ has to say.
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Yoga – Benefit for Body and Soul
Everyone is doing yoga – are you? Yoga is still one of the fastest growing health trends. Three hundred million people practice yoga worldwide – and this trend is growing. Yoga is a comprehensive philosophy and offers techniques and methods that can help us discover our hidden inner potential.
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Aromatic Gifts of Nature – the Power of Scents
Did you know that the sense of smell is one of the oldest senses in the evolutionary history of vertebrates? With every breath we smell using the approximately 10 million olfactory cells which are present in our olfactory mucosa! When we first enter a room or meet an unknown person, it is usually the sense of smell that creates the first impression.
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