Amrit Kalash –
The most famous rasayana in Ayurveda
Huge variety, highest quality
- Maharishi Amrit Kalash contains 42 different plants and medicinal herbs, including rare plants from remote rain forests and Himalayan mountainsides.
- 22 kilogrammes of raw materials from herbs, fruits and additional natural ingredients yield one kilogramme of the ready-to-consume rasayana Maharishi Amrit Kalash MA 4.
- More than 3,000 quality-conscious employees have been carefully trained by Maharishi Ayurveda Products International, in order to:
- identify the medicinal herbs and fruits in the wild,
- harvest them at the prescribed time, which considerably strengthens the positive qualities of the plants,
- harvest them in the prescribed manner; thus the amalaki fruit must be picked at the right stage of ripeness, not gathered from the ground (only when this time-consuming and rarely practised method of harvesting is followed amalaki is permitted for use in Maharishi Amrit Kalash),
- process them in such a way that the effectiveness and biological intelligence of the plants are preserved,
- select them by hand, and use only the best quality.
- Effective antioxidant from pure nature
Maharishi Amrit Kalash contains an unusually high concentration of antioxidant substances and surpasses the antioxidant effectiveness of the well-known antioxidants vitamin C, beta-carotene and vitamin E many times over.
The purely natural product Maharishi Amrit Kalash contains many different antioxidants, which are mutually supportive in terms of their effectiveness.
Even the amalaki fruit on its own (in Latin, emblica officinalis), which is described in the Ayurvedic texts as a 'divine medicinal herb', would require many sheets of paper just to describe its most important positive qualities. Haritaki (in Latin, terminalia chebula), the second main ingredient of Amrit Kalash, is extolled in almost all Ayurvedic texts and described by Charaka (classical Ayurveda author) as 'nourishing and useful for everyone just like mother's milk'.
Ancient wisdom meets modern food technology
Let us consider for a moment how an age-old, long-lost original and authentic recipe developed into Maharishi Amrit Kalash available world-wide in uniform high quality. How were the ingredients described thousands of years ago? How were the preparation temperature and time of harvesting specified? How were potencies and ingredients indicated?
Maharishi Ayurveda has done pioneering work on the translation of ancient Ayurvedic texts. Experienced Vaidyas, doctors and scientists from all over India, have been researching the traditional formulas for producing Ayurvedic food supplements for over 30 years. For the rich fruits of their work they give credit to the great Ayurvedic sages of old, whose traditions were written down precisely and systematically and have already been repeatedly confirmed by modern scientific methods

How Amrit Kalash, 'the nectar of immortality', came into the world.
A short mythical story …
In order to prevent the world being dominated by misfortune and disease, the Devas (positive forces) together with the Asuras (negative forces) decided to churn the ocean of milk, in order to bring forth Amrit, the 'nectar of immortality'. As the ocean eventually began to froth, it brought forth many treasures, until finally Dhanvantari emerged, the protector of Ayurveda, with a Kalash (pot) containing the Amrit.
... with effect right into modern times
The famous myth of the Amrit, as handed down in its completeness in the Vedic Puranas, is an allegorical description of man's path of evolution to self-realisation. According to Ayurveda this is a state of perfect health. It therefore has great significance for the practice of Ayurveda today. It means far more than the absence of disease: in other words, complete balance of mind, body and soul.