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Maharishi Ayurveda

Tips for pampering your mom – and not only on Mother’s Day!

Tullips with small heart to the right

It is remarkable what mothers do: They give life, love and recognition, take care of our everyday needs, have a sympathetic ear for worries, provide comfort, are companions in good and bad times, and many are breadwinners as well. A mother’s role is quite challenging.
That is enough reason to say “Thank you”. In any case, that’s what Ann Jarvis, the childless American woman thought when, after the death of her mother, she started campaigning for a special day for mothers. We owe Mother’s Day, which has since been celebrated in many countries, to her.
Mother’s Day is a unique opportunity to clearly say “thank you”. But, if we still have the opportunity to do so, we can also frequently show our mothers with many small acts in between Mother’s Days that what they have done and are still doing for us is not taken for granted.
We show you how to do this in our Thank You Tips for Mothers.

Giving time

Surveys show that mothers who are still in the midst of raising their kids wish for one thing in particular: time for themselves. Everyone benefits if once in a while others take care of the kids, clean or cook while mom can finally read or go for a run in peace, to then be relaxed when returning to her tasks afterwards.
Once the kids leave the house, things often change faster than desired: it’s unusually quiet in the house. In retirement, life can become too quiet for some mothers. Maybe, there’s time now for doing something together? So, a gift to your mother could be a visit to the zoo together, hiking to one of her favourite places or going to a concert or show? What did you do together in the past? Perhaps it can be followed.
Such (joint) experiences can bring especially long-lasting joy. Besides, almost all mothers enjoy being invited to be a part of the lives of their children and grandchildren in this manner.
It doesn’t have to be a big event. You can bring your mother joy by simply inviting her to lunch or tea. You can find all sorts of recipes here.


Surely, there are tasks that your mother does not like doing or that she finds particularly difficult. Those could be, for example, technical challenges related to her cellphone or computer, weeding, washing and hanging up drapes, or painting the kitchen. No doubt you can find something you’re good at which will make your mother happy.

Giving health and inner balance

Health is a valuable asset that mothers appreciate, too. Who doesn’t want to be healthy and fit even at an old age? We can contribute a lot to it, and suggestions and help can also be gifts.

  • Relaxing music not only pleases the ears but can also contribute significantly to well-being.
  • Does your mother like to read? In the book “Ayurveda für jeden Tag” (this book is only available in German) you find many valuable ayurvedic tips for a healthy life that can also be easily put into practice in your daily routine.
  • Regular physical exercise strengthens both body and mind. Ayurveda recommends daily exercising. For individuals over 40, it recommends exercising moderately, but also regularly (i.e. ¼-½ hour per day). So how about a yoga, pilates, dance or other type of class for your mother? Maybe even use this opportunity to stay fit together?

  • Especially in times of hormonal changes, many women miss their usual inner strength and calm. Maybe, you can please your mother with Maharishi Ayurveda’s® Ladies‘ Rasayana. According to Ayurveda, the harmonizing mixture of herbs and fruits unfolds a wonderful harmonising effect on the entire female organism (see product information).

Thinking of you

There are many opportunities to show your mother, without too much effort, how important she is to you. Why not write her a postcard while on a business or weekend trip, send her a text message, or show her where you are and what’s going on via WhatsApp. Personal post cards or emails can be created with snapshots of your everyday life.


Grandparents almost always love their grandkids’ crafts. Maybe, your kids can simply make (with your help, depending on their age) a nice greeting card, a drawing or a cloth bag. With pictures of the family, many gift ideas from mugs to a photo album can be easily realized. Now that downloading music is so simple, you can also conveniently put together CDs, exactly to you mother’s taste.


Homemade treats are always appreciated. How about an ayurvedic energy ball? The sweet temptations not only taste good but also provide quick energy. See the recipe here.

For mothers who are coffee lovers we suggest Raja’s Cup as a healthy ayurvedic alternative. It can also easily be prepared as an espresso or cappuccino.

Care products for pampering

Vata care creamA maturing woman’s skin tends to become drier and more wrinkled. Whether it’s a shower gel, body lotionmassage oil or face cream, now is the time for Vata products. They nourish and care for the demanding skin, exude a lovely fragrance and ensure a comforting feeling of silkiness.

You’ll surely come up with more ideas that will give your mother particular pleasure. Use this special day to show your mother how grateful you are for all she has done!




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